Director, Graduate Programs in Urban Planning
Ph. D. in Public Affairs, Princeton University
Curriculum Vitae
Transportation, Travel Behavior, Urban Growth Patterns, Regional Science, Urban Economics
Biographical Sketch
Dr. Boarnet is a renowned authority on urban economics, urban growth patterns, transportation, and regional science. He is an expert in transportation and land use, and has served on the National Research Council committee that authored “Driving and the Built Environment.”
He has published extensively in leading journals such as Regional Science and Urban Economics, Environment and Behavior, Urban Studies, Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Planning Education and Research, National Tax Journal, and Journal of the American Planning Association. He is also co-author of Travel by Design: The Influence of Urban Form on Travel (Oxford University Press, 2001).
Dr. Boarnet co-edits the Journal of Regional Science, is an associate editor of the Journal of the American Planning Association, and serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Planning Literature, Journal of Transport and Land Use, Transport Policy, and previously on Papers in Regional Science.